Monday, 14 December 2015

এসডিপিআই সাম্প্রদায়িক সন্ত্রাস বিরোধী অভিযান চালাচ্ছে।

Social Democratic Party of India
41 & 45/2 Kazipara Lane, Shibpur, Howrah 711 102
Tel: 09735422505, | |

সংবাদ বিবৃতি
এসডিপিআই সাম্প্রদায়িক সন্ত্রাস বিরোধী অভিযান চালাচ্ছে।
কলকাতা, ১৪ ডিসেম্বরঃ           সোশ্যাল ডেমোক্র্যাটিক পার্টি অফ ইন্ডিয়া দেশ জুড়ে ১০-৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৫ “নতজানু না হয়ে রুখে দাঁড়ান” এই স্লোগানের ব্যানারে সাম্প্রদায়িক সন্ত্রাস বিরোধী অভিযান চালাচ্ছে। হিন্দু ফ্যাসিস্ট শক্তি পরিচালিত বিজেপি কেন্দ্রে আসিন হওয়ার পর থেকে দলিত, মুসলিম ও লেখক-বুদ্ধিজীবীদের উপর আক্রমণ ও হত্যা ক্রমশ বেড়ে চলেছে। নাগরিকদের ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতাকে হরন করতে চাইছে। এমনকি কে কী খাবে সেটাও তারা নির্দিষ্ট করে দিতে চাইছে। ফলে দেশের সংবিধান, গণতন্ত্র, ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা, আইনের শাসন, ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতা হুমকির সম্মুখীন। সম্প্রীতি ও সহাবস্থানকে হুমকি দিচ্ছে এই সাম্প্রদায়িক সন্ত্রাস।
মূল্যবৃদ্ধি, কৃষকদের আত্মহত্যা, কৃষক স্বার্থ বিরোধী জমি বিল, শ্রমিক ইউনিয়নের সংঘবদ্ধ আন্দোলনে লাগাম, উদারনৈতিক এফডিআই পলিসি, যায়নবাদী ইজরায়েলের সঙ্গে অর্থনৈতিক ও সামরিক আঁতাত, প্রকৃতি বিরুদ্ধ খনন পরিকল্পনায় আদিবাসীদের আশ্রয়চ্যুতি ইত্যাদির ফলে দুর্দশা ও বঞ্চনায় হাহাকার করছে দেশ। এই অবস্থায় ফ্যাসিস্ট ও সাম্প্রদায়িক শক্তির ছোবল থেকে দেশবাসীকে রক্ষা করার উদ্দেশ্যে “নতজানু না হয়ে রুখে দাঁড়ান” এই স্লোগানের ব্যানারে অভিযান চালানো হচ্ছে।

দেশের সর্বত্রই নানা কর্মসূচীর মধ্য দিয়ে এই অভিযান চলছে। গত ১০ ডিসেম্বর ব্যাঙ্গালোর শহরে জনসভার মধ্য দিয়ে এই অভিযানের সূচনা হয়েছে। দেশের ৬টি বড় শহর কলকাতা, মুম্বাই, ব্যাঙ্গালোর, আলিগড়, পাটনা ও জয়পুরে জাতীয় সেমিনার করা হচ্ছে। গতকাল ১৩ ডিসেম্বর কলকাতার মৌলানা আলি যুব কেন্দ্রে সেমিনার হয়। আগামি ১৯-২০ ডিসেম্বর মুর্শিদাবাদ ও মালদহে ৩টি সেমিনার হবে।
লিফলেট, পোস্টার, পথনাটিকা, সেমিনার, ডকুমেন্টারি, কবিগান, জনসভা ইত্যাদির মাধ্যমে সাধারণ মানুষ কে সচেতন করা হচ্ছে এবং সাম্প্রদায়িক সন্ত্রাসের বিরুদ্ধে ঐক্যবদ্ধ লড়াই করার আহ্বান জানানো হচ্ছে।
আগামি ২১শে ডিসেম্বর দিল্লির যন্তর মন্তর থেকে সংসদ অভিযান করা হবে। মহামান্য রাষ্ট্রপতিকেও স্মারকলিপি প্রদান করা হবে।
অধ্যাপক (ডঃ) মুহাম্মদ আফসার আলি
সাধারণ সম্পাদক,
এসডিপিআই, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Invitation for Press Conference on "COMMUNAL TERROR"

Social Democratic Party of India
West Bengal State Committee
41 & 45/2 Kazipara Lane, Shibpur, Howrah 711 102
Mobile: 7797067786/9874191777 | email:

Date: 13/12/2015
Invitation Letter
The Chief Editor/News Editor

Dear Sir/Madam,
You are requested to send a reporter/photographer to attend the Press Conference and publish the news on/in your Channel/Newspaper.
Venue:       Press Club, Kolkata
Date: 14th December, 2015
Time: 2 pm
State President Mr. Tayedul Islam and State General Secretary Prof (Dr.) Md Afsar Ali along with other state leaders will meet the Press.

Thanking You
Aftab Alam
State Secretary,
Contact: 7797067786/9007600587

Thursday, 1 October 2015


                Deputation Team behalf of Social Democratic Party of India, West Bengal

                      Conversation with Wakf Board Chiarman Justice  Abdul Ghani

                                                       connect on facebook with us

Sunday, 6 September 2015


SDPI West Bengal sought development of Park Circus Railway Station

SDPI West Bengal State Committee organized a signature campaign demanding the overall development of the Park Circus Railway Station in the city.
It was an all day programme wherein the party activists collected more than 3,000 signatures from the daily passengers commuting via the Park Circus railway station.
All we want is that the railway station be restructured and developed in order to ensure proper facilitation of the railway services to the passengers, said a party leader while talking to the media persons.
We have submitted the signatures and a memorandum with the DRM Sealdah demanding the authorities to look into the subject and take the appropriate steps at the earliest, said Party's Kolkata District President Saroor Alam.
The deputation was lead by SDPI West Bengal State General Secretary Prof. Mohammed Afsar Ali accompanying State Secretary Aftab Alam, Saroor Alam, Kolkata District President,
Arbab Alam, Ekhlaqur Rahman with a number of party cadres and members.

Monday, 24 August 2015


Mr Tayedul Islam
Mobile: +91 7797 067 786

Vice President
Shaktipada Badyakar
Mobile: +91 9932 975 810

Vice President                                                                                        Vice President  
Md Sahabuddin                                                                                      Muhammad Omer Khan
Mobile: +91 9933 014 317                                                                    Mobile: +91 9339 105 712
Email:                                                 Email:

General Secretary
Prof Dr Md Afsar Ali
Mobile: +91 9874 191 777

Secretary                                                                                                Secretary
Md Aftab Alam                                                                                     Mrs Najima Kayal
Mobile: +91 900 7600 587                                                                   Mobile: +91 9734 891 223
Email:                                               Email:

Dr Mainuddin Chisty
Mobile No:   +91 9143 206 953

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

SDPI demands forthwith withdrawal of notices to 3 TV channels


New Delhi, 10 Aug 2015
The Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) organized a protest demonstration in front of the office of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting demanding withdrawal of the show-cause notices issued to the three television channels over coverage of 1993 Mumbai blasts convict Yakub Memon’s hanging. The party activists charged that an attempt is being made to muzzle media, which is the fourth pillar of democracy, and thereby encroach upon the freedom of free speech as guaranteed in the Constitution of India.

SDPI national president A. Sayeed while expressing deep anguish at the show-cause notices said that it is a blatant attempt to suppress freedom of expression which should be opposed tooth and nail by one and all. The notice has charged that the three news channels showed disrespect to the judiciary and the President by airing certain content on the day convict Yakub Memon was hanged. It is an effort to intimidate and terrorize the media, he added.

Addressing the media persons I A Khan Delhi Pradesh General Secretary said the BJP Government is behaving in the same manner like the Emergency imposed by late Mrs. Indira Gandhi in 1975. During the Emergency no one could speak against the government. Today BJP Government is doing the same thing of 1975. This is a dangerous trend about the high handedness of the government similar to what happened during the emergency period. This is just the beginning of curbing civil liberty. They are already telling you what to eat, this is the beginning as to what you should see and hear now.

Delhi Pradesh Secretary said one should not be surprised about the actions of this highly biased government, who do not believe in democratic process and want to establish a theocratic and tyrannical regime through control of democratic institutions and media and want to wreak havoc by misusing investigating agencies. However, in the long run truth will prevail and the face of hate mongers and conspirators will be blackened, he added.

Later the party activists submitted a memorandum with the PMO, marking a CC to the I & B Ministry and to the President of India urging them to withdraw the show-cause notices forthwith.

Friday, 31 July 2015

People Uprising against DOUBLE STANDARD

31st July, 2015: Kolkata:
A protest street corner meeting against double standard was organised at Seven (7) Point, Park Circus in Kolkata from 1 pm to 3.45pm. Nearly two hundred people attend. Mr Saroor Alam, Kolkata President, Mr Zainul Abedin, Kolkata District Committee member, Mr Aftab Alam, State Secretary, Prof Dr Md Afsar Ali, State General Secretary and Mr Tayedul Islam, State President delivered their speeches. Some media men, print media and electronic media attend the media." 

Press Release

The Social Democratic Party of India, (SDPI), has termed the hanging of 1993 Mumbai blasts convict Yaqub Memon as tragic. It seemed that the state was hell bent to execute Memon. However, the death penalty was not the answer to terrorism, and underlined that he was not the main accused, the party said.

SDPI national president A. Sayeed in a statement said that putting off Memon’s execution would have be a “fitting tribute to the humane legacy” of former President APJ Abdul Kalam, who had opposed the death penalty. It is a misguided attempt to prevent terrorism, and a disappointing use of the criminal justice system as a tool for retribution, he added.

Sayeed said that India has failed to bring to justice any of the key perpetrators of the 1993 bombings. What it has achieved, though, is to send a message that its great justice system hanged the one who came back and cooperated; that it is unforgiving and that reformation is not guaranteed to any fugitive who may be considering turning himself in.

He said that Yaqub was jailed for so long and thus there was no point in giving him capital punishment after so much delay. Now, the Government of India should focus on next bunch of criminal to expedite their cases. If hanging of Yaqub was necessary, but so it is for all other such cases as well. Selective procedurals being followed is what divides the nation, and leads to rift in the society.

He wondered why this kind of determination is not seen in the Judiciary and with the President of India in the case of convicts who murdered the Prime Minister of this country by shattering his body into pieces?? And Jayalalitha is trying to release the convicts from the Jails? In such a country will the terrorists give any respect to the government?

Sayeed noted that the petition by Yaqub's lawyers faulted the rejection of mercy petitions by the President and the governor for non-application of mind as the new clemency petitions sought commutation of death penalty to life imprisonment on grounds which were different from the reasons cited by the convict in 2013 while seeking mercy from the President. Moreover, according to rules, the nearest legal centre must be contacted the day mercy plea gets rejected. That did not happen.

The statement said that Yaqub Memon was guilty. But in hanging him we passed up an opportunity to amplify the scope for grace and empathy in our justice system if a convict presented mitigating behaviour after committing a crime. This is all the starker because India is neither a muscular security state nor a merciful nation. The government should show "similar commitment" in all cases of terror as it showed in the case of 1993 Mumbai blasts convict Yaqub.

There have been several riots against the Muslims since independence where thousands of Muslims have suffered. Did governments take any action to prosecute /imprisoned anyone in this crime? Is killing of Muslims is not terrorism only vice versa is terrorism, the statement said. There were riot in Mumbai in 1992 where more than one thousand Muslims were butchered by police and saffron terrorists as pointed out by Sree Krishna Commission where nearly one thousand Hindu fanatics were indicated. But no legal action or prosecution took place. This double standard will ever be a black mark on the face of this great country.

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Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Don’t send Yakub Memon to the gallows - SDPI

New Delhi, 27 July 2014:-
The Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) held a massive protest demonstration at the Maharashtra Sadan, Copernicus Marg New Delhi. ‘Yakub Memon ki Phansi Roko’, ‘Zaat Paat ki Raajneeti Bandh Karo’, ‘Sab MujrimOn ko Ek Saza’, were a few of the slogans raised by the party activists. Addressing the media persons Party Vice President said After revelation from the RAW officer B. Raman, the situation in the matter of hanging of Yaqub Memon has taken a new turn where the entire India, particularly the law abiding intelligentia and activists have taken upon themselves to put the case that Yaqub Memon may not be hanged as 140 persons including retired honorable judges of Supreme Court, Members of Parliament and numerous activists and eminent personalities in view of the exposure of the facts relating to the mitigating circumstances and non performance of the prosecution as well as defense in the trial of the accused. He further said SDPI would not like the repetition of the hanging of Khudi Ram Bose and so take up as a responsibility to stand up for justice in the democratic setup of the country.

Delhi State President Advocate Aslam said it is unfortunate that the Supreme Court has refused to reconsider his execution and rejected his curative petition, while Yaqub Memon is to be hanged for being a relative of Tiger Memon on the other hand Bal Thackeray who sponsored the 1992 Mumbai riots following the demolition of Babri Masjid was given a state funeral. About 900 persons died in the barbaric riots in December 1992 and 10 days in January 1993.

Aslam slammed the Maharashtra State Government and said double standard is being practiced in the case of 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts convict Yaqub Memon who is to be hanged on July 30, 2015. He said the Maharashtra government is trying to wreck vengeance on the members of the Memon family, who chose to surrender because of faith in our government and judiciary. Yaqub was singled out for the death sentence while the main perpetrators are at large. There is ample evidence that the main culprits have escaped the law with the help of agencies across the border.

A memorandum submitted with the Governor of Maharashtra and the President of India, demanded that the Justice B. N. Srikrishna's report be implemented in which the Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray was named for directing the brutal violence and several police officials were indicted in the report terming the government agency as communal.

The protest demonstration was lead by the party national vice president Adv Sharfuddin Ahmed and was participated by national secretary M Rafiq Jabbar Mulla, Delhi state prez Adv Aslam and cadres and members of the party.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

মায়ানমারের মুসলিমদের গণহত্যার প্রতিবাদে এসডিপিআই মিছিল ও সমাবেশ

Thursday, 25 June 2015

SDPI Foundation Day Celebration in Kolkata

                                SDPI Kolkata District President Md Saroor Alam Hosting the  Flag

SDPI News Network: Kolkata: On 21st June, 2009 the historical day for India. In this day founded a new political Party In India, name Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI). Mr Abu Backer, was the founder president of SDPI.

     After Flag Hosting
    Kolkata District Committee

In 21 June, Social Democratic Party of India, West Bengal Party office, Party Flag Hosted by Mr Md Saroor Alam, President, Kolkata District Committee with presence of Kolkata District Committee members. After flag hosted District Committee celebrate the foundation day. They takes oath that they will don't stop their work for deprived people.

Friday, 12 June 2015

SDPI held massive protest march to Myanmar embassy protesting against the oppression on Rohingya Muslims in Burma

New Delhi: 11 June 2015

SDPI NEWS NETWORK: Social Democratic Party of India conducted a massive rally protesting against the ongoing oppression on the Royingya Muslims in Burma and submitted a memorandum with the Ambassador of Myanmar and the President of India. Party vice president Adv Sharfuddin Ahmed led the protest rally along with Delhi State President Advocate Aslam and participated by a huge count of party cadres. The rally started from Tri-Murti heading towards the embassy but the police stopped them on the way.The cruel subjugation of Rohingya Muslims in Burma has crossed all the boundaries, said Adv Sharfuddin Ahmed. Expressing anguish over the beastly treatment of Rohigyas in Burma he said Budhists seem to be practicing peace lovers whereas the picture in Burma shows differently and are seen here as barbaric and inhumane. Referring to the media reports he recounted that the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims has been persistently continuing for over a number of years in Burma. The Myanmar government has annulled the citizenship of more than 4 lakh Muslims. Budhist radicals with the support of the government have been brutally murdering Muslims including women and children. He urged to UN to immediately intervene and resolve the issue.

Addressing the gathering Delhi State President Adv Aslam Ahmed said that the Rohingya Muslims are being brutally and systematically murdered consistently for a number of years. He said for several months the world for Rohingya Muslims is made constringent and the poor victims are jammed into crumbling ships and pushed into sea. This way the unfortunate souls sailing in the ocean are left to die without food and water. The terrible and most embarrassing subject about the ongoing persecution of Rohingyas is that no any country is offering them refuge in any way. Advocate Aslam urged the Indian Government to play a diplomatic role in putting an end to the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Myanmar.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Deputation to Shamsherganj Block Electricity supply officer for Load-Shedding other electric problem.

Posted by SDPI Bengal on Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Monday, 8 June 2015

Hundreds of tribals joined SDPI in Bihar, expressed desire to serve the deprived communities

SDPI NEWS NETWORK: Social Democratic Party of India Purnia District Bihar organized a public program in which a tribal leader Ram joined the party with his 100 associates in the presence of Dr. Mehboob Sharif Avad. The newly joined members received a welcome. Addressing the gathering Party National Secretary Dr. Avad said SDPI hosts political representation from all the deprived classes including Dalits, Tribals, Christians and a major count of secular Hindu brethren. He said SDPI activists are always seen ahead in raising voice against the atrocities and injusted meted out to Dalits, Backward Classes and Minorities. These are what we see that leaders and workers from different parties get attracted to and join SDPI.

Tribal leader Jayram in his address to the participants expressed his happiness in joining the party and said the Party's impressive internal democratic setup has attracted us and that the discipline of Party workers, their spirit of extending services to the poor and needy and the positive politics has impressed me a lot. He further emphasized optimistically and hoped that SDPI would surely take along people of all the classes and be a major player in Indian politics to put an end to the politics of terrorism, sectarianism and pro-corporate, anti-people ruling.

Party leaders from different districts of Seemanchal Bihar and hundreds of cadres from Purnia participated in the event.

SDPI demands judicial commission in Hashimpura massacre case to pin-point lapse of officials in probe

SDPI NEWS NETWORK: New Delhi    The Social Democratic Party of India, (SDPI) has strongly demanded that the state government of Uttar Pradesh must constitute a judicial commission to find out the reasons and factors for dilatory investigation and identify the officials who were responsible for the omission in investigation and prosecution in Hashimpura massacre case. It has also appealed the state government to file appeal in the High Court in the Hashimpura case wherein all the accused have been scot free. 

The SDPI in its National Working Committee, (NWC) meeting held in Bangalore on April 21 2015 passed the above resolution along with some other resolutions. 

The resolution said: “SDPI feels that Hashimpura case has exposed the deep malaise in the Indian polity. The security forces in cold blooded manner under the influence of communalism murdered 42 Muslims. The investigations were prolonged with mala fide intent and the culprits were protected by the state. The prosecution did not adduce the evidence and all the wrongdoers were let off the hook. The SDPI strongly demands that the state government of Uttar Pradesh must file appeal in High Court securing the special counsel for the prosecution in consultation with the representatives of victims. Further the state government must constitute a judicial commission to find out the reasons and factors for dilatory investigation and identify the officials who were responsible for the omission in investigation and prosecution in Hashimpura case. SDPI further demands that the state government must make immediate arrangements for Rs.20 lakh fresh compensation for each dead and Rs.10 lakh for all other victims.”

The other resolutions that were passed on the occasion are as under:
1. SDPI is saddened for the losses caused by unseasonal rains and hails causing heavy damages to the crops of farmers of several states. The state governments have failed to rise to the occasion as proper compensation has not been paid to farmers who are in such a desperate state to commit suicide. SDPI demands swift action from the state governments.

2. SDPI strongly condemns the irresponsible and provocative statement on behalf of Shiv Sena and BJP leaders who ask for the scrapping of voting rights of Muslims. SDPI demands that sedition case must be registered by the government against such persons who are creating such types of mischief. 

3. SDPI takes strong note on the continuing attacks on churches in various part of the country. It seems that the mischief-mongers want to create a cleavage between the Hindu and Christians who enjoy amicable relations. The elements creating the social trouble must be brought to book in a deterrent manner so that the attacks may be stopped. It also seems that persons in power are hand-in-glove as the scale and frequency of attack has increased with the formation of new government headed by BJP and controlled by the saffron brigade in the country.

4. The SDPI is very cautious to the custodial killings and encounters by security forces, particularly of Dalits and Muslims. The Warangal police had killed five Muslims under their custody but the civil society as well as the nation has failed to properly deal with the issue. SDPI warns that if the injustice is tolerated to reach an extent on communal lines, then the entire rule of law would go to the winds. The culprits must be booked without delay.

5. SDPI feels sorry for the ongoing violence and war thrust upon Yemen initiated by Iran which has inspired and powered sectarian expansion in the Arab World to get over control of Yemen and Saudi Arabia’s tit for tat policy. SDPI appeals to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as well as Arab League to immediately intervene and restore peace and also restrain the ‘Houthis’ from forcible occupation of institutions power in Yemen.