Thursday, 25 June 2015

SDPI Foundation Day Celebration in Kolkata

                                SDPI Kolkata District President Md Saroor Alam Hosting the  Flag

SDPI News Network: Kolkata: On 21st June, 2009 the historical day for India. In this day founded a new political Party In India, name Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI). Mr Abu Backer, was the founder president of SDPI.

     After Flag Hosting
    Kolkata District Committee

In 21 June, Social Democratic Party of India, West Bengal Party office, Party Flag Hosted by Mr Md Saroor Alam, President, Kolkata District Committee with presence of Kolkata District Committee members. After flag hosted District Committee celebrate the foundation day. They takes oath that they will don't stop their work for deprived people.

Friday, 12 June 2015

SDPI held massive protest march to Myanmar embassy protesting against the oppression on Rohingya Muslims in Burma

New Delhi: 11 June 2015

SDPI NEWS NETWORK: Social Democratic Party of India conducted a massive rally protesting against the ongoing oppression on the Royingya Muslims in Burma and submitted a memorandum with the Ambassador of Myanmar and the President of India. Party vice president Adv Sharfuddin Ahmed led the protest rally along with Delhi State President Advocate Aslam and participated by a huge count of party cadres. The rally started from Tri-Murti heading towards the embassy but the police stopped them on the way.The cruel subjugation of Rohingya Muslims in Burma has crossed all the boundaries, said Adv Sharfuddin Ahmed. Expressing anguish over the beastly treatment of Rohigyas in Burma he said Budhists seem to be practicing peace lovers whereas the picture in Burma shows differently and are seen here as barbaric and inhumane. Referring to the media reports he recounted that the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims has been persistently continuing for over a number of years in Burma. The Myanmar government has annulled the citizenship of more than 4 lakh Muslims. Budhist radicals with the support of the government have been brutally murdering Muslims including women and children. He urged to UN to immediately intervene and resolve the issue.

Addressing the gathering Delhi State President Adv Aslam Ahmed said that the Rohingya Muslims are being brutally and systematically murdered consistently for a number of years. He said for several months the world for Rohingya Muslims is made constringent and the poor victims are jammed into crumbling ships and pushed into sea. This way the unfortunate souls sailing in the ocean are left to die without food and water. The terrible and most embarrassing subject about the ongoing persecution of Rohingyas is that no any country is offering them refuge in any way. Advocate Aslam urged the Indian Government to play a diplomatic role in putting an end to the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Myanmar.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Deputation to Shamsherganj Block Electricity supply officer for Load-Shedding other electric problem.

Posted by SDPI Bengal on Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Monday, 8 June 2015

Hundreds of tribals joined SDPI in Bihar, expressed desire to serve the deprived communities

SDPI NEWS NETWORK: Social Democratic Party of India Purnia District Bihar organized a public program in which a tribal leader Ram joined the party with his 100 associates in the presence of Dr. Mehboob Sharif Avad. The newly joined members received a welcome. Addressing the gathering Party National Secretary Dr. Avad said SDPI hosts political representation from all the deprived classes including Dalits, Tribals, Christians and a major count of secular Hindu brethren. He said SDPI activists are always seen ahead in raising voice against the atrocities and injusted meted out to Dalits, Backward Classes and Minorities. These are what we see that leaders and workers from different parties get attracted to and join SDPI.

Tribal leader Jayram in his address to the participants expressed his happiness in joining the party and said the Party's impressive internal democratic setup has attracted us and that the discipline of Party workers, their spirit of extending services to the poor and needy and the positive politics has impressed me a lot. He further emphasized optimistically and hoped that SDPI would surely take along people of all the classes and be a major player in Indian politics to put an end to the politics of terrorism, sectarianism and pro-corporate, anti-people ruling.

Party leaders from different districts of Seemanchal Bihar and hundreds of cadres from Purnia participated in the event.

SDPI demands judicial commission in Hashimpura massacre case to pin-point lapse of officials in probe

SDPI NEWS NETWORK: New Delhi    The Social Democratic Party of India, (SDPI) has strongly demanded that the state government of Uttar Pradesh must constitute a judicial commission to find out the reasons and factors for dilatory investigation and identify the officials who were responsible for the omission in investigation and prosecution in Hashimpura massacre case. It has also appealed the state government to file appeal in the High Court in the Hashimpura case wherein all the accused have been scot free. 

The SDPI in its National Working Committee, (NWC) meeting held in Bangalore on April 21 2015 passed the above resolution along with some other resolutions. 

The resolution said: “SDPI feels that Hashimpura case has exposed the deep malaise in the Indian polity. The security forces in cold blooded manner under the influence of communalism murdered 42 Muslims. The investigations were prolonged with mala fide intent and the culprits were protected by the state. The prosecution did not adduce the evidence and all the wrongdoers were let off the hook. The SDPI strongly demands that the state government of Uttar Pradesh must file appeal in High Court securing the special counsel for the prosecution in consultation with the representatives of victims. Further the state government must constitute a judicial commission to find out the reasons and factors for dilatory investigation and identify the officials who were responsible for the omission in investigation and prosecution in Hashimpura case. SDPI further demands that the state government must make immediate arrangements for Rs.20 lakh fresh compensation for each dead and Rs.10 lakh for all other victims.”

The other resolutions that were passed on the occasion are as under:
1. SDPI is saddened for the losses caused by unseasonal rains and hails causing heavy damages to the crops of farmers of several states. The state governments have failed to rise to the occasion as proper compensation has not been paid to farmers who are in such a desperate state to commit suicide. SDPI demands swift action from the state governments.

2. SDPI strongly condemns the irresponsible and provocative statement on behalf of Shiv Sena and BJP leaders who ask for the scrapping of voting rights of Muslims. SDPI demands that sedition case must be registered by the government against such persons who are creating such types of mischief. 

3. SDPI takes strong note on the continuing attacks on churches in various part of the country. It seems that the mischief-mongers want to create a cleavage between the Hindu and Christians who enjoy amicable relations. The elements creating the social trouble must be brought to book in a deterrent manner so that the attacks may be stopped. It also seems that persons in power are hand-in-glove as the scale and frequency of attack has increased with the formation of new government headed by BJP and controlled by the saffron brigade in the country.

4. The SDPI is very cautious to the custodial killings and encounters by security forces, particularly of Dalits and Muslims. The Warangal police had killed five Muslims under their custody but the civil society as well as the nation has failed to properly deal with the issue. SDPI warns that if the injustice is tolerated to reach an extent on communal lines, then the entire rule of law would go to the winds. The culprits must be booked without delay.

5. SDPI feels sorry for the ongoing violence and war thrust upon Yemen initiated by Iran which has inspired and powered sectarian expansion in the Arab World to get over control of Yemen and Saudi Arabia’s tit for tat policy. SDPI appeals to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as well as Arab League to immediately intervene and restore peace and also restrain the ‘Houthis’ from forcible occupation of institutions power in Yemen. 

Sunday, 7 June 2015

SDPI got strengthened in the Gram Panchayat Elections in Karnataka

SDPI NEWS NETWORK, Bangalore: Despite of the huge publicity dispensing rampant customary usage of money, wine distribution, muscle power and spreading of rumours by the Congress, BJP and JD(S) in the recently held gram panchayat elections in the state,SDPI with its altruistic and staunch cadres day-and-night hard work has once again proved its presence on the ground.

Party has acquired 45 seats out of 272 contested in Dakshina Kannada district and stood in second place in several panchayats. In Udupi district it gained 4 out of 31 seats contested with second position in many seats. In Kodagu district the party secured 12 seats out of 30 and secured 4 seats out of 5 in Hassan district.

Earlier the Party had presence in towns and cities but is making its efforts seen truly welcoming in rural areas as well and is expanding its base in villages in various districts. In Sajip Gram Panchayat of Dakshina Kannada district, it has emerged as the major party by securing 7 seats out of 15, wherein 6 seats were secured by BJP supported candidates and 2 by Congress supported candidates and that 6 SDPI supported candidates have won in Arkula Gram Panchayat. The party has got 4 seats each in Savanoor, Bajpe, and Soorinje. SDPI would play a decisive role in administering the Siddapur Gram Panchayat of Coorg district as it has secured 5 seats.

SDPI Hassan District President Noorullah got elected as Member in to the Seege Gram Panchayat. In a press statement State General Secretary Abdul Majeed said Saleem Bista successfully opened account in Gurugunta Gram Panchayat of Raichur district wherein the party has started work just a few months ago.

প্রেস বিজ্ঞপ্তি

পিংলার ভয়াবহ বিস্ফোরণের ঘটনা প্রসঙ্গে SDPI-এর দাবি

এসডিপিআই নিউজ নেটওয়ার্ক :৬ই মে বুধবার রাত্রে পশ্চিম মেদিনীপুরের পিংলা থানার ব্রাহ্মনবাড়ের বাজি কারখানার ভয়াবহ বিস্ফোরণে বেশ কিছু মানুষের মৃত্যু আশপাশের এলাকা ভস্মিভুত হয়ে গেছে। বিস্ফোরণের ভয়াবহতায় ছিন্নভিন্ন দেহ দূরে গাছের ডালেও আটকে থাকতে দেখা গেছে। ভূমিকম্পের ন্যায় মেঝেতে ধ্বস চিড় ধরেছে। এই ভয়াবহতা প্রমান করে শুধু বাজি নয়,শক্তিশালী বোমাও তৈরী হতো এই কারখানায়।কারখানার মৃত শ্রমিকরা মূলত কিশোর,দারিদ্র অশিক্ষিত-  এসবের সুযোগ নিয়ে এদের দালাল মারফত বাইরে থেকে আনা হয়। আধিকাংশই মুর্শিদাবাদের সুতি ব্লকের নতুন চাঁদপাড়া গ্রামের।এই গ্রামেরই কমপক্ষে ১২টি শিশুর প্রাণনাশ ঘটেছে।

এই বিস্ফোরণকে কেন্দ্র করে বেশ কিছু তথ্য উঠে এসেছে। প্রথমতঃ এই ঘটনা আবার প্রমান করলো দেশে অবাধে চলছে ভয়াবহ অবৈধ কারখানা। দ্বিতীয়ত্বঃ বাজি কারখানার আড়ালেও চলছে বোমা তৈরীর কারবার যা মূলতঃ রাজনৈতিক ক্ষমতা দখলের স্বার্থে ব্যবহার করা হয়। তৃতীয়তঃ দেশে শিশু-শ্রমিকদের অবৈধ ব্যবহার আজও অবাধ। এখানে বেছে বেছে শিশুদের কাজে ব্যবহার করা হতো।

জানা গেছে কারখানার মালিক রঞ্জন মাইতি রাজ্যে ক্ষমতা বদলের সঙ্গে নিজের রাজনৈতিক পরিচয় বদলে ফেলেন। এখন তিনি তৃনমূলের নেতা প্রসঙ্গত বলা যায় একই চরিত্র লক্ষ্য করা যায় মুর্শিদাবাদের সমশেরগঞ্জের বাসুদেবপুরের মদের কারবারি জগন্নাথ চৌধুরী-সুনিল চৌধুরীদের ক্ষেত্রেও তাদের ঘরেও গত ১৫ই নভেম্বর ২০১৪ ভয়াবহ বিস্ফোরণের ঘটনা ঘটে, অথচ এলাকার জনগণের দাবী মেনে আজ পর্যন্ত কোন তদন্ত করা হয়নি। উল্লেখ্য, “মদ বিরোধী আন্দোলনের নেতাহাজি আখতার হোসেন খুনে এই মদের কারবারিদের হাত ছিল বলে এলাকার মানুষের অভিযোগ স্বভাবতই পিংলাকান্ডে প্রশ্ন দেখা দিয়েছে এই ঘটনার নিরপেক্ষ তদন্ত দোষীদের শাস্তি হবে কি না?

মানবিকতা ও ন্যায়বিচারের স্বার্থে সোশ্যাল ডেমোক্র্যাটিক পার্টি অফ ইন্ডিয়া(SDPI) – পিংলার বিস্ফোরণ কান্ডের ব্যাপারে নিম্নোক্ত দাবীগুলি জোরালোভাবে করছেঃ-
  ১। পিংলায় বেআইনি প্রাণঘাতী বিস্ফোরক পদার্থ্য তৈরির  কারখানার মালিক রঞ্জন মাইতির ফাঁসি চাই।
  ২। নিহতদের পরিবারের  এককালীন আর্থিক ক্ষতিপূরণ  চাই।
  ৩। নিহতদের পরিবারপিছু একজনের সরকারি চাকরি চাই।

  বাজি কারখানা,বিড়ি কারখানা,ইটভাটা সহ যাবতীয় কারখানায় শিশু-শ্রমিকদের কাজে লাগানো কঠোরভাবে    নিষিদ্ধ করা এবং অপরাধীদের শাস্তি চাই।